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Presentation Schedule

Papers will be presented in the following sessions across all the three days:

Paper authors should make a note of Information for paper presenters.

Accepted Papers

  1. Eddie Antonio Santos, Prajish Prasad and Brett Becker: Always Provide Context: The Effects of Code Context on Programming Error Message Enhancement
  2. Aditya Jain, Ryan Bockmon, Steve Cooper and Chris Bourke: Validating a Language-Independent CS1 Learning Outcomes Assessment
  3. Oladele Campbell, Oluwatoyin Adelakun-Adeyemo, Fatimah Akinrinola, Pm Chewachong Akih, Ethel Tshukudu and Brett Becker: The Impacts of a Constructionist Scratch Programming Pedagogy on Student Achievement with a Focus on Gender
  4. Arun Kp, Rohit Singh and Debadatta Mishra: Lens: Experiencing Multi-level Page Tables at Close Quarters
  5. Bradley McCoy, Barbara Do Amaral, Brittany Terese Fasy, Olivia Firth, Stacey Hancock, Patrick Jeffers, Barbara Komlos and Sweeney Windchief: Integrating Computer Science into Middle School Curricula Through Storytelling: A Lesson Plan on Beaded Bags of the Columbia Plateau
  6. Colton Harper, Stephen Cooper and Ryan Bockmon: Investigating Themes of Student-Generated Analogies
  7. Ioannis Karvelas, Joe Dillane and Brett Becker: Programmers’ Views on IDE Compilation Mechanisms: A User-Study
  8. Nimisha Agarwal, Viraj Kumar, Arun Raman and Amey Karkare: A Bug’s New Life: Creating Refute Questions from Filtered CS1 Student Code Snapshots
  9. Colin Johnson: Building Technological Improvisation Skills through Student-devised Coursework Topics
  10. Aamod Sane and Jayaraman Valadi: Teaching beginning programming students to think of program dynamics
  11. Victoria Macann and Aman Yadav: Debugging beyond the code: Teachers’ perceptions of debugging as a CT practice impacting interdisciplinary teaching and learning.
  12. Joseph Chipps, Brittany Fasy, Stacey Hancock and Bradley McCoy: Ant and Bear Dance for Dokweebah: Using a Skokomish Story to Engage Middle School Students in Event-Driven Programming
  13. Siddhartha Prasad, Ben Greenman, Tim Nelson and Shriram Krishnamurthi: Generating Programs Trivially: Student Use of Large Language Models
  14. Akhila Sri Manasa Venigalla and Sridhar Chimalakonda: FlowARP – Using Augmented Reality for Visualizing Control Flows in Programs
  15. Leah Rosenbloom: A Living Framework for Abolitionist Teaching in Computer Science
  16. Vijay Anand, Natalie Bolton, Prasad Calyam, Rohit Chadha, Rajendra K. Raj and Sumita Mishra: Enhancing Cybersecurity Curricular Outcomes and Student Accomplishments Through Collegiate Competitions
  17. John Chapin and Bradley Bowen: Whiteboarding: A Tool to Improve CS1 Student Self-Efficacy
  18. Gayithri Jayathirtha, Gail Chapman and Joanna Goode: “Social media is…sort of our East India Trading Company.” High school computing teachers engaging at the intersection of colonialism and computing
  19. David Smith, Seth Poulsen, Max Fowler and Craig Zilles: Comparing the Impacts of Paired and Jumbled Distractors on Parsons Problems in CS1 Assessments
  20. Bryce Ikeda, Janine Hoelscher, Ron Alterovitz and Daniel Szafir: Guiding the Development of Undergraduate Educational Robotics
  21. Stan Kurkovsky: Student Reflections on Service-Learning in Software Engineering and Their Experiences with Non-technical Clients
  22. Jack Forden, Dennis Brylow and Alex Gebhard: Experiences with TA-Bot in CS1
  23. Suad Alaofi and Sean Russell: The Use of English Language to Teach CS1 to Non-Native English Speakers: Students Perspective