CompEd Posters
CompEd poster sessions provide an opportunity to share computing education ideas in a less formal setting than a paper presentation.
A poster submission consists of two items: a physical poster (“the poster”) that gets displayed on a wall during the conference and a one-page document (“the manuscript”) that is published in the conference proceedings. The poster typically combines text and images and doesn’t necessarily have full sentences – the goal is to stimulate discussion with the audience during the poster presentation session. The manuscript embodies a succinct description of work that has been done. Presenting a poster is a good way to discuss and receive feedback on a work in progress that has not been fully developed into a full paper.
Posters should not re-present previously published work.
Poster review is dual-anonymous.
CompEd 2025 will be held face to face. By SIGCSE Organization policy, at least one author is required to register, attend and present the poster during a dedicated time slot.. See our full policy for more information.
Poster topic ideas
The topic of a poster submission is not limited. However, the topic should lend itself to presentation in poster format. You might consider a poster presentation of teaching materials that you would like to share, or preliminary research findings. Examples might include
- imaginative assignments
- innovative curriculum design
- laboratory materials
- effective ideas for recruiting and retaining students
- computing education research that is in a preliminary stage
Formatting the manuscript
A poster manuscript is a single page, in PDF format, explaining what the poster is about, with references. The manuscript is used for the review process, and, if the poster is accepted, for publication in the CompEd proceedings. The one-page manuscript must adhere to ACM’s publication guidelines and follow the same Formatting requirements including the use of standard ACM templates.
Anonymous version for review
The poster manuscript submitted for review must be a fully anonymous version so as to allow the authors an unbiased review. The anonymous version should have ALL identifying references to the authors removed: this includes authors’ names; authors’ affiliations; any information within the body of the text that might identify the authors or their institutions, such as websites, related publications, or specific geographic locations; and acknowledgements, which often include material that might identify the authors. Self-citations need not be removed if they are worded so that the reviewer doesn’t know that the authors are citing themselves. For example, instead of ‘We reported on our first experiment in 2018 [13]’, the paper might say ‘An early experiment in this area was carried out in 2018 [13]’, or ‘Katchen and Satie [13] carried out an early experiment in this area in 2018’. If a poster is presenting software that is the work of the authors, the name of the software should be anonymised, so that it will not be found with a web search.
Poster manuscripts are expected to stand alone, and not to require the reading of supplementary information. For this reason, they should not include links to additional material, such as a demonstration of software being introduced.
If the poster is accepted for the conference and for publication, authors will be asked to complete a camera-ready copy of the manuscript that will include all appropriate author names, affiliations, citations, acknowledgements, and references, and that may, if appropriate, include links to supplementary information.
Further details on the submission process are available on the call for submissions.
To submit your work, follow the link to the EasyChair submission page:
Further Questions?
Contact the poster chairs.