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Call for papers

CompEd Papers

Papers presented at CompEd address aspects of computing education, that is, the education of students who are studying computing. When making a submission, you will be asked to place it in one of four categories.

  • Computing education research: These are papers that define research questions, describe the data gathering and the methods used to address the questions, present the results, and discuss the contribution to knowledge about the teaching and learning of computing;
  • Experience reports and tools: This track accepts experience reports, teaching techniques, and pedagogical tools. Papers in this category describe computing education experiences in sufficient detail for others to see whether their use was beneficial and to be able to adopt them if required; these papers will generally be motivated by the literature, will highlight the novelty of the work, and will be accompanied by a rich description of what worked and what didn’t;
  • Curriculum and position: These papers should describe the motivating context before the new initiative was undertaken, what it took to put the initiative into place, what the impact has been, and suggestions for others wishing to adopt the new initiative. Position papers are meant to engender fruitful academic discussion by presenting a defensible opinion about a computing education topic, substantiated with evidence.
  • Local Issues: Papers about local issues should explicitly address issues related to computing education relevant to the Indian context.

All papers should explicitly state their motivating questions, relate to relevant literature, and contain an analysis of the effectiveness of any intervention. Initial submissions must be anonymous. 

Authors are advised to look at the review guidelines for their submission type, so as to know what the reviewers will be looking for when reviewing the submission.

Submitting the abstract

Note that an abstract submission is mandatory for all papers and is due a week before the deadline for full papers.

Your abstract can be up to 250 words and must be submitted by the paper abstract deadline (see the Important Dates page). The abstract will be plain text, not, for example, a PDF. When you log in to submit the abstract, you may paste the abstract text into the form field.

Follow the instructions on Submission process.

The abstract helps reviewers bid for papers that they are qualified to review and interested in reviewing. To help the bidding and reviewing process, please submit an abstract that you believe will best describe the finished paper.

Anonymous version for review

The paper submitted for review must be a fully anonymous version so as to allow the authors an unbiased review. The anonymous version should have ALL identifying references to the authors removed: this includes authors’ names; authors’ affiliations; any information within the body of the paper that might identify the authors or their institutions, such as websites, related publications, or specific geographic locations; and acknowledgements, which often include material that might identify the authors. Self-citations need not be removed if they are worded so that the reviewer doesn’t know that the authors are citing themselves. For example, instead of ‘We reported on our first experiment in 2018 [13]’, the paper might say ‘An early experiment in this area was carried out in 2018 [13]’, or ‘Katchen and Satie [13] carried out an early experiment in this area in 2018’. If a paper is presenting software that is the work of the authors, the name of the software should be anonymised, so that it will not be found with a web search.

Papers are expected to stand alone, and not to require the reading of supplementary information. For this reason, they should not include links to additional material, such as a demonstration of software being introduced.

If the paper is accepted for the conference and for publication, authors will be asked to complete a camera-ready copy that will include all appropriate author names, affiliations, citations, acknowledgements, and references, and that may, if appropriate, include links to supplementary information.

When writing the review version of the paper, space should be left for the authors’ names, affiliations, and other material that might need to be added, such as the ACM reference format. This can be implemented either by the use of placeholders or simply by ensuring that the paper is sufficiently short of the page limit. Submissions that fully use the page limit, without leaving space for these items, will be rejected on the grounds of exceeding the page limit.

In the past, some authors have published their submissions in places such as arXiv, with full author details. This is a clear breach of anonymity, which can easily be found by a reviewer looking for background on the subject matter. Anonymous submissions that are found to have corresponding non-anonymous versions will be rejected.

Ethical status of data collection

Any submission that makes use of data from human participants (including student surveys, class results, educator interviews, published data sets, etc) must clearly indicate whether approval has been granted for the use of that data, by what authority (respecting anonymity in the version submitted for review), and what the approval covers. If the work includes any data from human participants that has not been granted approval, that should be clearly explained.

Formatting the paper

The paper is limited to a maximum of six pages plus one page for references. Note that this is not the same as seven pages: if there is a seventh page, there must be nothing on it but references.

If the paper includes figures and tables, the text in them must be readable at 100% magnification and in greyscale. Figures and tables must be readable in the printed version of the paper.

For details regarding the mandatory formatting requirements, see Formatting requirements.

Please ensure that the file to be submitted is no more than 10MB in size. When files are this size and more, it is typically because the authors have pasted in high-resolution images and simply scaled them down, rather than reducing the file size before inserting the image.

Submitting the paper

Please do not wait until the last minute to submit your paper because that is when everyone else will be connecting to our server!

When the paper is fully anonymous and ready for review, convert it to Adobe PDF format. Please check the settings of your converter so it does not inadvertently include your name and affiliation in the properties of the PDF file.

Return to the online submission system using the link on the call for submissions page, select the entry for your paper, and click a link in the upper right of the page to add or update the file.

After receiving confirmation, go to the submission site to review your submission for accuracy. 

Paper presentation

CompEd 2023 will be a face-to-face conference. Registration, attendance in person, presentation, and discussion are mandatory for at least one author. See our full policy for more information.

Further Questions?

Please contact the program chairs.