You can use Uber or Ola services to get a ride. You can also ask the hotel to book you a vehicle. If your credit card is enabled for international transactions and you have added it as a payment method in the app, then the payment will be seamless. Otherwise, make sure you have cash to pay the cab driver (which they anyway prefer over automatic payments to Uber or Ola!).
Roads in Hyderabad are not pedestrian-friendly. Unless you have done it before, we strongly advise you not to walk to the venue. You can get an Uber or a 3-wheeler (called Auto locally, Auto rickshaw) even for a very short distance. Facilities page has more details.
Auto rickshaw:
What is an Auto?
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If you are staying in one of the designated hotels (see Accommodation page for the list of hotels and which ones have the shuttle service), we will have shuttle service between these hotels and the venue. If you are not staying in one of these hotels, take a look at this question: I am not staying in one of the designated hotels. What transportation options do I have?
Any one of the following should work for you:
- Check with your hotel, they may offer a pick-up service. For people who have filled the arrival information form, CompEd volunteers are ensuring their pick up from hotel (or otherwise) is confirmed.
- Your Uber app will work seamlessly here, just book a cab to your location and follow the signs to Uber cabs when you exit. Make sure you have enabled your credit card (that you have set up on your Uber account) for international charge. However, sometimes Uber driver may insist on getting paid directly and not via Uber. So check before you get on the cab. Carrying cash in such situations is a good idea, see Do I need to carry cash with me?
- There will be a helpdesk at the airport manned by CompEd volunteers who can help you book local cab to your hotel.
- If you are coming at an odd time (late night or early morning), or for any other reason you need pre-booked taxi, definitely ensure you have completed the arrival information form.