Display Schedule
All posters are displayed at all times. However, there are scheduled breaks during which designated poster authors will be available to answer questions and discuss their posters. We will follow the following schedule:
- Posters 1-6: Break/Poster 1
- Posters 7-11: Break/Poster 2
- Posters 12-17: Break/Poster 3
- Posters 18-21: Break/Poster 4
All authors will do their lightning presentation in the designated single session: Lightning talks.
Accepted posters
- Catherine Mooney, Brett Becker, Shamima Runa and Andrew McCartan: Understanding a post-COVID drop in the Belongingness of Minoritised Men in an Undergraduate Computer Science Course
- Parthasarathy Pd and Swaroop Joshi: Serious Games for Enhancing Accessibility Awareness and Skills
- Joseph Hale and Ajay Bansal: Creating an Open-Source Platform for Smart Rubik’s Cube Applications in Computer Science Education
- Sujeeth Goud Ramagoni and Dennis Brylow: Analyzing Certified CS Teacher Capacity and Impact on Secondary School CS Education
- Divya Joseph, Fiona Coventry and Robert Whyte: Supporting K-12 CS education in Odisha through code club partnerships
- Sandra Wiktor, Nicole Wiktor and Mohsen Dorodchi: Employing a Large Language Model to Extract Patterns of Insight from Students’ Periodic Reflections
- Balaji Kalluri, Prajish Prasad and Prakrati Sharma: Making CS Education Relevant to the 21st Century: A New Blended Learning Approach
- Sumitra Sadhukhan, Shitanshu Mishra and Sridhar Iyer: Student Directed Learning for CS2 Course
- Pranav Vats and Venkatesh Choppella: Trace to follow, Run to explore: A demonstration using Interactive Sorting
- Mrityunjay Kumar and Venkatesh Choppella: Is Transition Systems approach of modeling software systems hard to learn and use?
- Vedansh Malhotra and Dan Garcia: The Effect of Messaging on Project Completion Rates in an Introductory Computing Class utilizing Mastery Learning
- Julian Brooks, Manish Andankar, Susan Hasty, D Fumagalli, Joanne Casey, Tudor Girba, Mathew Greensmith and Simon Wardley: What strategic insights can Wardley Mapping provide into the global CSE landscape?
- Mrityunjay Kumar and Venkatesh Choppella: Modeling Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern as System of Systems (SoS) to aid comprehension and reasoning
- Sai Anirudh Karre, Karthik Vaidhyanathan and Raghu Reddy Y: A Tool based Experiment to Teach Elicitation and Specification of Virtual Reality Product Requirements
- Mohit Chandarana and Elise Deitrick: Most difficult errors for students to resolve across languages
- Spruha Satavlekar, Shitanshu Mishra and Sridhar Iyer: AuthentiCT: Making CT Authentic to Learners
- Bhashithe Abeysinghe and Rajshekhar Sunderraman: An Interactive Lambda Calculus Execution Engine
- Indra R, Prajish Prasad and Sridhar Iyer: A model-based learning pedagogy for conceptualizing and solving real-world graph problems
- Rishabh Balse, Prajish Prasad and Jayakrishnan Warriem: Exploring the Potential of GPT-4 in Automated Programming Mentoring
- Aamod Sane, Melwina Albuquerque and Madhav Gupta: ChatGPT didn’t take me very far, did it?
- Jatin Ambasana, Sameer Sahasrabudhe and Sridhar Iyer: SQL-Wordle: Gamification of SQL programming exercises