Poster reviews
The review of poster submissions follows a process similar to that for paper reviews, but on a different timeline. Reviewers of short submissions are asked to provide high-quality reviews for submissions to provide authors with feedback so that they may improve their work for presentation or future submission.
Each short submission will receive two reviews. All reviews are submitted through EasyChair, where reviewers will be considered ‘PC members’ of the poster track. There are no APCs a poster track. The relevant track chairs will decide whether to accept or reject each submission.
Poster submissions are anonymous for review.
The following dates describe the timeline for short submission reviewing for CompEd 2023. Please consider your workload around these dates before accepting an invitation to review these submissions.
Activity | Start date | End date (Anywhere on Earth, UTC-12) |
Reviewing and discussion | Wed 19 July | Thu 3 Aug |
Further discussion if required | Fri 4 Aug | Sun 6 Aug |
As a reviewer, we ask that you carefully read each submission assigned to you and write a constructive review that includes a concise summary of what you believe the submission to be about. When reviewing a submission, consider:
- The strengths and weaknesses,
- The contribution to an outstanding CompEd 2023 program and experience for attendees, and
- How it brings new ideas or extends current ideas through replication to the field and practitioners and researchers of computing education.
Please do not include your suggestion for acceptance or rejection of submission in the text part of your review. Instead, use the provided radio buttons to make a recommendation based on your summary review. As a reviewer, you will only see a few of the submissions, and your recommendation might be overridden by the track chairs as they work to put together a broad and comprehensive set of posters for the conference.
Further questions
Please contact the poster chair.